Dan and I had a fleeting thought that perhaps this month we made a baby the old fashioned way and wouldn't that be just like God: Yeah you made a plan, you trusted Me and here I go doing it the way I want.
Well, found out today that we're not pregnant. It was sad, I cried in the middle of a restaurant during brunch because a family with a four year old and a newborn walked in and sat right in front of me. I felt embarrassed to cry like I did, I just couldn't help it. The thought, fleeting though it was, came into my head: See, that's what a family is supposed to be, not just you and Dan and your dog.
Man that was harsh.
And I dismissed it after a minute because it's so not true, I know that. We are a family damn it! And I know that one way or another we will have children. I'm not ready to move on from IUI yet, not ready to consider adoption yet, but if it comes to that it will be no less honorable and wonderful and miraculous than if we were able to birth our biological children.
I'm not ready for that yet, and I think that's ok.
A note about our dog though: she has been a real comfort. She's sweet and loves attention, though on the flip side she can be a real pain in the ass too! I love her, unconditionally.
Dan talks about her all the time to his co-workers, and made a comment that he's probably gonna be insufferable as a Dad because he'll talk about the baby even more.
I gotta admit something: I'm having a hard time lately seeing the end of all this. Seeing myself with a baby in my arms, seeing myself pregnant, seeing the triumph, the joy after all this pain. I'm having a hard time imagining it. And it scares me. Am I giving up inside? Am I doubting more than believing this will happen? I try not to worry about it, but I do.
But then, after a minute, I have peace. Like I said: we are going to have children. We are. I still have hope. I guess the doubt, the inability to see it is normal, and it passes. It doesn't mean it won't happen.
I hate this, but I know I'm growing through it. That's the purpose of hard, excruciating things in our lives; as much as I know that's little comfort to most. The shitty happenings draw our character out and make it stronger and shine brighter; at least that's what I believe. It's the potential within suffering, the reason for it. I know how this sounds, and I know that it can be like nails on a chalk board to hear someone say this when all you want is the pain to go away; believe me I've been there, still am there and will be until we have our baby, but it's something that makes this whole thing seem worth something; that it's not just random cruelty on God's part, there's a bigger, better reason for it. I've probably said this before, but sometimes it feels like a new realization for me.
Anyway, almost time to check out the doggie day care we're enrolling Gracie in.
Yes, I've turned into one of THOSE owners! But we have to find a kennel for her before Kaui and I want her to get used to it before we leave her there for two weeks.
Oh yeah, did I mention we're going to Kaui for 2 weeks in March.
Sometimes, those tax breaks actually work for the little people!