Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Thank God!!!

Last night I saw history made. I felt so very proud, perhaps for the first time, to be an American. In no other Presidential race I have ever participated in have I been so excited and nervous. 
During Obama's acceptance speech last night, I, along with almost everyone else in our living room, teared up to think what hope and amazing things we will be a part of in the next four years; if not eight.  
I am so excited to know that our child will be born into an America with hope, where we are once again respected in the World. Because of the primary and this election our child will live in an America where a woman or a black man could be and has been President.  Anything is possible.  Though Dan and I are white, I can't help thinking that this is huge for all of us, no matter what color we are. 
I am now hanging on any word in the news on the Huffington Post for news about what Obama's cabinet will look like, what his staff will look like. I am on pins and needles to see what he will do. Never have I known this excitement.
I also look forward to the boys and girls' club opening here where I live because I have been planning on volunteering there. I bring that up because Obama, while campaigning during the primaries, inspired me to find a place to help my community like no one has before.
I do know that he is human, he is not god or perfect. He is fallible but he is a man who has brought hope again to us, who is genuine with his regard for all American's, not just the "Blue" Americans or the "red" Americans.  He cares about us as a people, he has revalidated our worth as a people, we matter, our voices are strong and important.  It won't be easy, I'm not sure what it will look like, the hard road ahead. But like he said last night, we will get to the end of it. And in the end, we will be better for it.  Our child's future will be better for it.
Thank God Obama won!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope and pray he will be a good president!